Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, friday, friday, fryday, frieday, friday.

At 6am this morning, I was woken up by a loud noise of the rain hitting the tin roof located right underneath our window. Not that those italicized words mean anything other than the tin roof was conveniently built right below all the apartment windows ;) But it reminded me of the times when my family and I lived in Oregon. We would camp by the coast multiple times in the summer. And every morning there was always a morning rain shower, dad was already up making coffee for him and mom, and usually there were hot cocoa packets in the igloo bins for Audrey and I. I remember having to grab a swooshy-raincoat from my suitcase, slip on my flip-flops, pull back the hair, zip up my sleeping bag, then enjoy a yummy camp-style breakfast on the damp, wooden benches with the Pacific coast breeze gently making its way through the campsites. Those times are precious to me and I was so happy that this morning reminded me of those sweet times.

We had a mentoring time with Andy and Nancy this morning, it is a great time and I am learning so much about leadership. We are going through the book, The Making of a Leader. Inside of this I am figuring out that I am in the Inner-Life Growth stage, full of tests; obedience, integrity, and Word tests along with analyzing past experiences and seeing what we have learned. This internship has come at such a great time in my life.

After our time at the Raatz', I quickly gathered all of my belongings and headed to the main road to catch a rudiera to Olga's house for Romanian lessons. I really enjoy my times with Olga. She is such a sweet woman to talk to, she loves talking about "her" Moldova. I have not only learned language but also so much about this culture and who the people are. Over fruit tea, coffee, and little biscuits, we talked about Transnistria. A portion of land that divides Moldova and Ukraine on the east side. It was so interesting to hear what she had to say about the country, such a mysterious place to me. I encourage you to research about this piece of land, it is super interesting.

I was able to spend a few hours at the Home today. The women seemed a bit on edge, but then again it had been raining off and on all morning and being coop-ed up inside a big house all morning is SO not fun. They were out on that swing-set before I could say the rain had let up ;) These girls are becoming more and more dear to my heart. It is going to be so hard to leave. No, I won't think about it.

They had English lessons today. It was exciting to see the girls wanting to learn and catching on to different words and sounds. I think that they help each other too much during the lecture portion but hey, who cares right? Slowly but surely each little one woke up from their naps. Elena was the last to wake up and her momma was out at the store so I had the honors of feeding her noodles. It was a joy to see her act out "cooling-down" the noodles and then pretending to eat them. Her beautiful smile and mischevious laugh brought joy to my heart.

As the sun has completely disappeared on the horizon, Im left with remembering the Lords faithfulness. Not quite so sure why it is on my mind but nevertheless this isn't a bad note to end a day on. God is good, all the time. He is there at the Freedom Home protecting those girls and their children. He is in Missouri protecting my family from whatever may come their way and He is right here beside me as my eyes are becoming drowsy and with my mind thinking, "7am comes too quickly.."