Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Buna Ziua! [Good Day!]

There was a beautiful sunset the other night and we all just had to get pictures of it.

We didn't have electricity for a few days and on top of that it rained enormous amonts of water. I didn't think it would bother me that much until I had finished a whole book then realized I didn't have much communication with the rest of the world. Stinkin' facebook, e-mails and blogging...you got me hooked! But it was a much needed quiet time. There was solitude and simplicity in the whole household. It was as if this was a much needed time of rest and refreshment. I know the Missionaries I am with deserve as much resting time as they want.

We had bread and cheese during the evening hours. There were flashlights and candles in areas that we needed them and everyone was playing games or reading their books. The Raatz girls have re-kindled my passion for reading once again. Thank you girls!

The girls at the home have been doing great. The precious hours that we get to spend there are becoming more and more valuable to my heart. Today I had to say good-bye to *Ali. She will be going home for two weeks and I won't be here for another two weeks. I go home in 12 days. As she told me to write her letters in English and Romanian and as we kissed each others cheek good-bye, I realized that the 11 other good-byes are going to be that much harder.

Good-byes can only sustain for as long as the heart can hold to being gone.

And one of the girls at the home got ahold of my camera this afternoon. The following pictures are what she took and they are absolutely wonderful and so precious. She wanted to take a picture of everything and everyone she saw. She was so excited to see something stay so still and stay there. What a beautiful smile she had as she snapped each picture.

And know that the photographer is being redeemed, loved and cared for by our Maker.


God is an amazing God. Didn't think I could be more madly in love! I'm captivated by His beautiful creation all over the world.

And I just finished Three Cups of Tea [recommended to me by my wonderful friend Ninive]. I didn't think I'd ever say this but I'd like to be in the Middle East someday. Lord willing.

Blessings to you and the rest of your week!

[and I am so very frustrated by the way the pictures taken by the girl turned out on the post. They are not supposed to be spaced out that much or that sporatic. So sorry. enjoy though!]