May 11: Landed in Chisinau safe and sound with only a mild case of jet-lag. Nancy and Caroline (the missionary and other intern) were so nice to point out my lack of quick response to our conversations and the frequent "deer-in-the-head-light" stare out the car window. And it was only 1 in the afternoon! I had a long day ahead of me. Caroline and I were brought to our apartment that we will be living in for a short time.
After a tasty meal at Andy and Nancy Raatz' home, I quickly fell asleep (due to a intake of benadryl and jet-lag).
May 12-13: Caroline and I had orientation at the Freedom Home, a restoration and community for women and their children who are rescued from human trafficking. Due to the confidentiality involved in this internship I need (and have) to be very careful with the information I tell and post. So there may not be as much about the women and their lives but who needs to know personal things about EVERYONES life in the whole world? I will tell you about the happy, joyous, funny, maybe sad things that happen while I am at the home. So look more for that later on as Caroline and I get to the FH more often.
I will be taking Romanian lessons MWF for one hour, I am stoked for that! They start this Monday. It is so important that I catch on as quickly as I can! Learning the language is so key to wherever it is that you go.
We have used public transportation more than I have ever before since being here. We take it to and from the FH. To lessons to the Raatz' home to downtown to pretty much wherever you want to go. We have made it to the open market a few times and it is beautiful. The fresh veggies, fruits, and spices are fabulous. There is just something wonderful when knowing you are eating something so fresh and tasty!
I have met some amazing people in the last few days. They have blessed my heart and I am excited for the next few months with them. The people of Moldova are near and dear to my heart. They are beautiful people who are searching for a significant purpose in this life. Please pe praying for our safety while here in Moldova and for health. Also, for the women at the home. Pray that they are open to friendships with Caroline and I...two months is not long enough but it is a starting block! this women are beautiful creations of Christ and He loves them very much. Restoration and new life is essential for them.