Thank you for prayers, support and for believing in me.
I have realized that there has been something overlooked before coming here. Being overseas isn't going to make me into a more cultured, rounded person who can mark off another country traveled to. I find it hard to go somewhere and not have a purpose. This experience is going to mold, shape, burn, break, redefine, confuse, establish, and show me how to be more like Christ. I cannot do any thing without Him. I am nothing without Him; in my heart, soul, thoughts, desires, passions, and moves. He is my everything.
Lately I have been thinking about beauty. Where did it come from? What is the root of a word that has decided to overcome so many young girls minds? I only place it in that category because this internship is only working with girls and their children. The girls at the home have re-opened my thoughts about beauty. So looking up the definition opened up a can of worms.
Beauty: the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or pattern, or something else. [haha the end of this makes me laugh]
The wonderful, lively girls at the home have beauty. They may not realize it but they radiate it every day that I see them and even those days when we are seperated. Their past is behind them, sure it catches up with them somedays but they are becoming free from a life that has bound them for too long. Their acts of valor and even those moments of learning to be better moms, a better friend and then becoming more of a woman of God are all acts of beauty. They are learning more about God and who He is in their lives. They are learning that He didnt forget about them when they were being beaten and bruised. He still finds delight in them. He believes that they can still change the world with who they are. They can rise up to be just like any successful person in this world. Because in the end this world doesnt matter, its how they chose to be and it is how they chose to be who they are. These woman motivate me to love them more. They challenge me to love others more. They may not realize it but they help me every time I see them. Their hugs, smiles, and patience with my Romanian have blessed me.
Beauty is the core of it all. Beauty is what started the world. Beauty is the root of love. God is beauty. God is love.
[ little cutie patootie!!]
[girls at the village we went to for a few days, dont be fooled by the cute smiles! they were mischevious! :)]
[this little guy was adorable!]
While off chasing my own dreams,
A little girl cried for her freedom.
My heart steadied to a slow beat,
Love doesn't live here anymore.
A little girl cried for her freedom.
The old man turned off the light.
Loves doesn't live here anymore;
Innocence taken and forgotten.
The old man turned off the light,
he wouldn't be the only customer.
Innocence taken and forgotten,
her eyes cast no more hope.
He wouldn't be the only customer.
The red lights diffuse the noise.
Her eyes cast no more hope,
ignored for long enough.
The red lights diffuse the noise,
you have forgotten about me.
Ignored for long enough,
she wants to go home.
You have forgotten about me,
My heart steadied to a slow beat.
She wants to go home but
I'm off chasing my own dreams.
[this was written by me in a class I took this past semester. still speaks a thousand words to me.]