This week has been wonderful so far. It is my last full week here in Chisinau. Bittersweet.
Caroline left for the States on Tuesday. What a wonderful friendship I was blessed with for the past few months. It was sad to see her go, though she is getting married in September. You go girl, so this won't be the last time I'll see her.
So for my last week at the Freedom Home I have already done so much! On Monday I was taught by Angela, the cook, on how to make compot. It is a delicious fruit drink made up of sugar, a fruit and water. SO good. The fruit that seems to be the most preferred are raspberries and cherries. The girls at the home mixed both of them together, talk about tasty! Though the ingredients are simple, the outcome is wonderful. We made over 30 jars of compot. It was a lot of hard work (and being told over and over again to do something right :)) but there were so many laughs and smiles throughout the process.
The girls and kids at the home are doing well. I am loving the last few times when I get to sit down on the couches with them and talk about how they are doing. I am savoring the last cups of tea and coffee in the morning over a bowl of oatmeal with them. I'm getting ready to always remember the contagious laughs and giggles. I will miss the language barrier, because actions speak louder than words. I am soaking in the last days outside with the children on the playground. I'm not ready to go but there is a time for everything in our lives. Just another lesson I am learning in my life. I'm off, soon, to spend my last Wednesday night with these wonderful, sweet people in my life.

[These little ones have my heart! Love their little souls so much. They will all grow up to be amazing, women of God.]
[These little ones have my heart! Love their little souls so much. They will all grow up to be amazing, women of God.]
[They will be world changers.]
This is Olga, my wonderful Romanian teacher. She has taught me so much and after 19 lessons of 1.5 hours of language, I want to continue my learning in the States. She told me today that when I come back to Moldova, her apartment will be open to me and whoever I come with. They will, hopefully, be all moved into the home they are building and the apartment will be open for rent. So future husband, we have a home in Moldova. We just have to get there ;D
A word from the Lord I read today:
Psalm 52:8-9
But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever. For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for you name is good.