Wednesday, October 6, 2010

benefit the world. discover the soul.

As I sit here in class and I wonder about what this day could turn out like, I think about they way I could live my life. Now bear with me with my random thoughts...

I could live a life where I was so happy and I knew when the next paycheck would come. I could have a house that I loved with kiddos running around with their neighborhood friends in a suburban community with a public water park only blocks away. I could find fulfillment in that. I could have a husband who worked 40 hours a week and came home to me and the kiddos every night at 5pm with dinner ready on the table and the Vikings..NO the Broncos game on in the living room. I could do that, no problem. But there is something burning up deep inside me that I know I am made for something more. I know that I have certain skills and gifts that God has given me that shouldn't go unused.

I found that when I went to India I found my soul. I found that I loved being there. I loved that I could learn Hindi, I loved that I was comfortable taking a city "auto" taxi across town. I loved those people. I loved that I could be a part of a ministry that reached out to kids. Discovering your soul takes pain, dirty work, challenges, change, hunger, tears but also laughter, joy, success, accomplishment, and a new love. I believe that India is just one of many places where I will discover my soul. I feel like in someway the team I was with benefited the world and through everything...we discovered our souls.

He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
[Psalm 37:6]

Our cause. Our call. Our lives benefit the world. Our souls. Our words. Our very existence was created to make a difference. I know I just don't want to sit here in class and make this day any ordinary day. I know that for a fact that everyday can possibly be different from the last.

My actions. My dreams. My passions. My desires. My life is all about discovering my soul. What I can do to benefit the world. All with Christ by my side and a passion in my heart.