I'm in the Chicago airport and I love seeing the diversity of the people here. I have already heard so many languages from all different parts of the world. It just ceases to amaze me the beauty of cultures and people. God is so amazing.
As I was sitting in the waiting area at my gate I started to wonder what the rest of the world thinks about good 'ol America? We are so weird and self-centered sometimes. But then there are the chosen few like the lady at Starbucks who grabbed me a straw because I couldn't reach them or the army officer sitting across from me playing with his young daughter. There are the "true" Americans who make this country great.
Just being here in a place full of people makes me ready to be somewhere different. I really want to be with people all the time. I want to be around people that I have never met before.
I find people so interesting. They way their mannerisms are and who they are when they think that no one is watching. So I think that people watching is my new favorite thing...I'm sure my best friends and family can agree with that :). Hah I just saw the cutest kid ever on my plane to Arkansas! He had blonde curly hair. He smiled and looked at me...he had the most beautiful blue eyes. I remember another time when a different cute curly, blonde haired boy would smile at me...I am content though. I'm not ready for anyone else, I think I have too much self-discovery, traveling to far away places, and different kinds of coffee to experience in every country :) I love the independence for now. (ha, for now are the key words) Lord bring me comfort and joy and completeness!
Hah anyhoo..
kids are the cutest things. They bring a smile to my face on any down-day I have.
Holy Cow when I was in the air I could see everything on earth! I saw so many look-a-like homes and their circular outside blue pools dotting the landscape. It's interesting to see the American life-style from a different view. But I found the earth to be so beautiful from that angle. I think that it is hard for me sometimes to explain my great love for nature, Gods beauty and my love for Him. Goodness I want to see the seven wonders of the world. I want to experience and see first hand the waterfalls in the jungle, the snow-capped mountains found all over the world, and the small villages tucked away in a forgotten world. There seems to be so much to see and discover.
And as the plane glided into the abyss of clouds I quickly remembered how fragile our lives are and how important they should be to us. And up above the clouds I wondered how much farther up heaven was. (btw I think that throughout the whole writing of this message I incredibly annoyed the lady next to me :) )
Being up so high made me want to go skydiving!!
if only I could quickly learn how to drive a manual tranny...