i found peace in Catholic Basilica. I never thought that would happen. but i found
the high archs and detailed tapestry that were high up in the ceiling enchanting. it reminded me of the peace that surpasses all understanding, the peace that the Lord gives us. I love that man so much. He made beautiful things where we can bask in that beautiful presence and think about the great things that He has done.
the quiet, serene creak of the wooden floorboards led me to these candles. each one buring in a memory of someone who had died. the catholics know how to remember those that have gone before us. it's kind of bittersweet.
they had these beautiful colorful windows with vivd images and bible verses all over the basilica. they were monstrous and huge. they took up wall, covered in history of the people who had built this magnificant mansion of a building. what were their thoughts behind each biblce verse?
this got me. a box that says 'remember the poor' that is stationed right beside the exit door. its there right in front of you as you head out the door. dont forget the poor. one of the greatest things that the Lord says to us. dont forget that the love, hope and mercy that you recieve from Him goes directly to those who are forgotten, pushed aside and left for nothing.
kind of like a smack in the face. but a reality check for the reality that sits right outside the big glass-paned doors.
Philippians 4:7 "and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"